Denys and Antonina at REVOLUTION
Denys and Antonina performed on a prominent Canadian Television show called "Revolution" on the TVA channel which lasted from June 2022 until the Final on November 15, 2022.
They performed on five rounds of the show and were praised by the judges who were Les Twins, Jean-Marc Généreux, and Lydia Bouchard.
One of the highlights of the show was DNA's performance in honor of the War in Ukraine. They created a heart felt, raw, emotional, and real performance which touched thousdands of Ukrainians around the world.
Denys & Antonina kept evolving Ballroom Dance style as a Performing Art all throughout the show and were successful in experimenting with the creation of new forms, aesthetics, and expressions.

Videos from TVA's "Revolution"
Click on the YouTube icon inside the screen to view the video on YouTube
OR Visit DNA Youtube Channel by clicking HERE
DNA performing "War in Ukraine" number during Revolution's Semi Final
DNA performing "Pygmalion" number during Revolution's Final
DNA performing "Outer Space" number during Revolution's Round 2
DNA performing "War in Ukraine" number with Full Interview about War during Revolution's Semi Final
DNA performing "Alice number during Revolution's Improbable Duos Round
DNA performing "Renegade" number during Revolution's Round 1